International F. & A.M. Masons, Inc., & Order of the Eastern Star


Deborah Chapter #165

"We have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him."

Matthew 2:2


Lodge Hall - 1642 Jonesboro Rd
Atlanta, GA 30315


Grand Matron of the state of Georgia

 Sister Sarah Bell
Atlanta, Ga

 Greetings from our Worthy Matron



On behalf of OES Chapter, Deborah 165, Atlanta, Georgia, I would like to welcome you and thank you for visiting our website.  It is my esteemed honor to serve as the current Worthy Matron of Deborah 165, which was founded in July 1996.  In May 2006, our chapter was revived by 8 like-minded sisters recognizing that a change was needed in order to uphold promises made to God and themselves inside and outside the order.  God is a God of revival.  That alone gave us a recovered enthusiasm and a renewed passion. 

What did we do with that recovered enthusiasm and renewed passion?  We demonstrated that we were women of high moral character who had a heart for service.  That attracted more like-minded sisters to Deborah 165.  I am proud and blessed to be a part of this wonderful montage of sisters who are beautiful inside and out, yet smart, optimistic, energetic and talented.  They are truly Ladies of Essence.  I am inspired by their personal achievements, dedication to the order and most importantly, their desire to improve the quality of life of the disadvantaged, the neglected and the under-represented. Our pledge to improve the quality of life of others materializes in our participation community service projects.

As we embark on our journey, we will continue our purpose to serve our community. Like any journey, one may experience clear beautiful skies one minute… storms and delays the next. Whatever the case may be, overcoming those obstacles is essential to giving continuous light to our purpose. Today, Deborah 165 is committed to reaching our journey’s destination in order to become a testimony of achievement tomorrow.


Respectfully yours,
Shandrea McCant
Worthy Matron
Deborah 165, OES

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