History of Deborah Chapter #165


The objective of Deborah Chapter #165 of International F. & A. M. Masons and Order of the Eastern Star, shall be to cultivate and encourage high ethical standards; to promote unity and sisterhood among women of high moral character; to aid the Metro Atlanta community, in order to improve the quality of life of its citizens and to be of service to mankind.

Deborah #165 originally received her charter in 1996. In April 2006, several sisters approached the District Matron, Rosina P. Bradley for guidance on starting a new chapter.  Sister Bradley was a wonderful resource and support for these sisters as they met and planned the future chapter. During the planning stages of this new chapter, Sister Bradley provided the sisters with 2 options.  They could start from the beginning and pick a new name and get a new number or they could pick one of the dormant chapters and revise it.  After praying and studying the different chapters a vote was taken and Deborah was brought back to life!


In May 2006 eight like-minded sisters…Sisters Doni McClendon, Shandrea McCant, Cynthia Stewart, Tracy Montford, Kami Everson, NaTasha Lyles, Katie Day and Nan Walker decided to revive Deborah #165. Deborah #165 was re-chartered in April 2006 with 14 sisters. These sisters included the eight planning sisters plus six new initiates...Deidre Brown-Collins, Dorothy Evans, Gwen Jones, Annette Pipkins, Jacqueline Sanders and Bernadette Sellers. 

The name Deborah was an appropriate for the sisters of Deborah 165. Religious references show that Deborah was unique among women and men of the Bible history in that she was a prophetess, judge and military leader all in one…a powerful triple combination of authority and responsibility held by only two other Israelites, Moses and Samuel. Some say that she was perhaps the Bible’s greatest woman figure. Like Deborah in Bible history, each of the sisters is a real leader who stands on her own unique merits and a woman of action and deep faith in God.

In Hebrew, the name Deborah means ‘bee’. The name Deborah pleased them because of its connotations of hard work and usefulness. The sisters of Deborah #165 live up the meaning of the name Deborah. Their strong commitment to charity and service keeps them busy in the community as evidenced in their participation in monthly community service projects.

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